[music | NightmaRe - SNoW (Jigoku Shoujo Futakomori OP)]
why does SNoW like irregular letter cases? just wondering.
anyway, i was able to play the first expansion pack for the Electronic Arts' Battle for Middle-earth series, The Lord of the Rings The Battle for Middle-earth II: The Rise of the Witch-king (i know, it's one of the damnably-long game titles in recent history). it chronicles the rise of the leader of the Nazgûl, the Witch-king, in the northern territory of Angmar with which he destroyed the divided kingdoms of Arnor. the story is set 1,300 or so years after the Last Alliance (or about 1,700 years before the events of the Lord of the Rings), and the game puts you as the Witch-king and the conquest of Arnor.
EA has tweaked a lot in this game, and even includes Angmar as a new playable faction, which makes a total of seven. there are massive changes in the War of the Ring, Create-A-Hero, and Skirmish types, plus there are all-new units for existing factions. the centerpiece of these new units are the mini-heroes, or those units who are between a hero and an elite horde in power. mini-heroes are distinguished by a limit on how many can exist at a battlefield at any given time.
the list below describes the all-new units for The Rise of the Witch-king.
1.) Men of the West
- Knights of Dol Amroth - the famed knights from the princedom of Dol Amroth, a province of Gondor. during the War of the Ring, they fought under the banner of Prince Imrahil and were known as "Swan Knights". in ROTWK, they're built for a limit of only 3 battalions at any one time, costs 1500 gold and 95 Command Points. a battalion consists of 5 knights and have a level-4 passive ability that gives mounted units near them bonuses in damage and armor.
- Rohan Spearmen - because in BFME2 Men lost the invaluable spearmen from Rohan, now they're back as a cheap and easy way to fend Angmar's Thrall-Wolf Rider rush. these spearmen can be built even from a level 1 Barracks.
- Noldor Warriors - the Noldor are the second clan of Elves who saw the light of the Blessed Realm. Feanor, who wrought the Silmaril Jewels, was the most well-known of their race, and they were one of the largest clan of Elves in Middle-earth after their exile from the land of the West. Noldor Warriors number only 5 per battalion, with a limit of 3 at any one time, and are fully upgraded with Forged Blades when using swords, and Silverthorn arrows when using bows. They have a level-7 active ability that gives them boosts in damage.
- Lindon Horse Archers - these were the kinsmen of Gil-galad, the High Elven King who, with the aid of Elendil, the High King of Men, defeated Sauron during the Last Alliance. Lindon Horse Archers are mounted archers, just like the Rohirrim, but they can only use bows.
- Prince Brand, the Prince of Dale (hero) - historically Dale was the leading ally of Dwarves, and Brand perished with King Dain during the War of the Ring. Prince Brand is the only Dwarven, non-Dwarf hero and can toggle weapons from sword to bow and vice versa.
- Dwarven Zealot - the mini-hero of the Dwarves in this expansion. basically a souped-up Guardian, Zealots have berserker rage at level 7 which pumps up their offensive capabilities.
- Gothmog, Lieutenant of Minas Morgul (hero) - best known for his barf-like skin color and heavily disfigured face, including his valor during the Battle of the Pelennor Fields, Gothmog is a cavalry hero and even afoot he is very quick and agile.
- Black Riders - the mini-hero of Mordor. they're the Nazgûl mounted on their deathly horses, famous for their first appearances during the first movie of the film trilogy. you can only have 1 Black Rider battalion at any given time.
- Black Orc Warriors - like the Dwarven Zealots, Black Orcs are improved versions of the Orc Warriors with more durability and offensive power.
- Haradrim Lancers - EA's answer to Mordor's total lack of quick-moving infantry. Haradrim Lancers came from Harad, one of the kingdoms of Men sworn in allegiance to Sauron, and are mounted on horses bearing lances.
- Uruk Deathbringers - these highly-trained Uruk swordsmen wield their dual swords to devastating effect, much like massively-empowered Uruk Berserkers. they are the mini-heroes of Isengard, and each battalion only consists of 3 Deathbringers.
- Warg Packs - replaced the Warg Riders with more terrifying, and improved versions, with Uruks riding Wargs and wielding lances.
- Wild Men Axethrowers - just like those of Angmar's Axe Throwers, but without their vulnerability (Thrall Master).
- Azog of Moria (hero) - the new hero of the Goblin faction, Azog is the leader of the Goblins residing at Moria and a very formidable opponent. he's an all-around support-offensive hero.
- Fire Drake Brood - the mini-heroes of the Goblins. because of their sheer power only 2 are allowed at any one time.
- Half-Troll Swordsmen - EA wasn't content with the Half-Troll Marauders, who are basically the strongest pikemen in the game. now they give the Goblins arguably the best infantry to date, in the form of the Half-Troll Swordsmen.
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