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Asterisk - Orange Range (Bleach 1st OP)]
i was able to spend a night at Bataan with Sakura and her entire clan, after being invited to attend the last day of her grandmother's funeral. i came home last night feeling drained and exhausted, not to mention a little dizzy, but since Sakura was there i think it more than compensates for all that.
i never knew i could spend a night so far away from the hustle and bustle of city life, but as i said before, i didn't mind at all as she was there with me (although she did sleep so early i wasn't able to talk to anyone about my misgivings that night). i asked her to sleep on the single bed and i on the sofa--which was made of wood, at that, and gave me a nasty case of backaches when i woke up (my sleeping position was a bit awkward, so yeah)--but i really wasn't able to sleep properly. it's like sleeping with one eye open... there was a time when people, including her mom, checked us out (i, Sakura and her sister Chi were sleeping in one house), but at that time i thought it was natural for them to worry with me having two girls under one roof. LOL.
but when we woke up we were told the real reason why. some kind of depraved person was prowling around the block, especially around that of her godmother, and apparently interested in stealing a peek at my lovely girlfriend. yeah. i dunno what happened next but the
tanods (for those who are unfamiliar with the term, those are the town or community watch) chased him off. looking back, i finally realized why i couldn't sleep that night for no reason--it was because i was sensing that evil intent lurking around. that time, i felt nervous and scared like hell, but i thought it was just my imagination running rampant. well of course i never told her that. she'd just be scared too.
and the one who took the blame was the person trying to talk to Sakura. like, uh... that pathetic guy was texting me every now and then, thinking that Sakura gave him her number but in fact, it was mine. lol.
anyway come the morning we prepared for the burial of her grandmother, which happened at exactly 3pm in the afternoon after a long trek from their village (around a mile or so from the nearest town) and a mass at the nearest chapel. we were able to go home at finally 5pm in the afternoon, and i arrived home at past 9pm and they at 10pm.
i actually didn't expect a warm welcome there, especially as Sakura (or Angel, as they call her with her second name) seemed to be the darling of the community and of their clan, which seemed at first glance to be smaller than what i was accustomed to here. but then i remembered that it was only her mother's side... although my kin on my mother's side was considerably larger than hers.
so anyway, people treated me with as much civility as they could muster, even going so far as to somehow treat me a new member of the family--probably thinking that i and Sakura are going to be married, or are already married. lol! not that i'd complain--i actually like the idea--but hey, i won't marry her before i could fix my life. i especially like the kids there, who were so rambunctious and restless that i can't help but chuckle, and who were calling me like "tito" (uncle) and "kuya" (elder brother), and doing all sorts of things to entertain me.
Sakura cried a lot during the burial. while the mere fact that she was crying was enough to constrict my heart, i stayed the tears and held her through all that. if she was drawing strength from me even when i don't have any for myself, i want to give her that at least. i promised her that we could visit her grandmother's grave at least once every year, even if it was just the two of us. she seemed delighted with the idea.
aside from that the visit was uneventful.
in other news Tsubasa Reverse is plodding along, but i haven't been able to put much progress on Act 14, especially with me drained and having this damned headache for three days already. her godmother said it might be some kind of a sinus inflammation or what, so she suggested that i go to a doctor immediately and have it checked up. i will, but not now.
Bleach has also started a new arc, this time going back to its manga roots with the appearance of Hirako Shinji, the Vaizard (or Visored) who will be instrumental to teaching Ichigo how to control his Hollow powers. episode 110 has just aired, with a new ending theme,
"Sakura Hiyori" (sakura weather) by Mai Hoshimura. i'm very excited with this new arc, but i think the anime will catch up to the manga soon at the rate it's going so we're probably going to see some fillers again soon, or at least the anime will prolong each episode to fit with one or two chapters by introducing filler scenes inside each episode.
anyway this post is too long already. i was just wondering it's kinda hard to have a really cute girlfriend... Sakura attracts too much attention wherever she goes, that i'm keeping track of the number of guys looking at her (you know what i mean, not just "look" but "ogle"). yesterday, that count was 11 different guys, and that was just the ones i counted. there were several groups of guys.
*sigh* oh well. it's just is, though. it's nice to know that i'm not alone who thinks she's pretty.
next time guys!